The Tech Industry's $7 Trillion Secret

Monica Savaglia

Posted September 18, 2018

What’s next for the tech industry?

You can’t afford to get caught behind massive trends when it comes to the tech industry. In the past few decades, we’ve seen some of the greatest innovative technology advances. We’ve been introduced to devices that have changed our lives forever.

Take your smartphone, for instance. Imagine not having that piece of technology with you when you’re driving through an area you have no idea how to navigate. With a few taps on your smartphone, you’re able to navigate through the unknown territory and get to your destination safely.

While the smartphone has been an amazing invention, we’re approaching a technological revolution that’s going to enhance not only our lives but the entire world. The global economy is expected to get a $15.7 trillion boost from artificial intelligence (AI).

Obviously, AI is going to shape the technology industry into something more powerful than we’ve ever seen before, but its influence isn’t going to stop there. More industries will be affected by this tech, including health care, automotive, manufacturing, and finance. Let’s get a glimpse at how AI will affect these industries…

AI Will Impact More Than Just the Tech Industry

AI in health care is focused on empowering physicians instead of replacing them. It will give physicians more data that will be crucial to selecting a treatment plan for a patient. Prediction and prevention will improve a person’s health and, in the long term, their life.

Thanks to AI, the automotive industry has been working extremely hard to create self-driving vehicles. Companies like Tesla, Google, Mercedes-Benz, and Ford are investing billions of dollars in building semi-autonomous and fully autonomous vehicles. Driverless cars won’t be a distant dream anymore; they’re becoming a reality that we’ll likely see in our lifetime.

Manufacturing has been greatly affected by AI. The technology has been playing an important role in improving enterprise software, enhancing predictive maintenance, and optimizing industrial facilities and machines. In addition to that, AI has improved the way the data is interpreted across departments.

Japan is investing in AI and has agreed to build 30 million robots. This new workforce will make Japan the number one manufacturer again.

Now to the industry that you’re probably the most interested in: finance. AI has a huge presence on the trading floor. AI-driven automated trading accounts for 75% of all financial market volume.

Not to mention, major banks are using AI and machine learning to help them reduce the time spent on mundane tasks like commercial-loan agreements. Things that once took several thousand hours yearly will now take a matter of seconds.

So rather than just being one innovative device, artificial intelligence is going to be a technology that unleashes amazing potential on a variety of industries. Industries that are already very important to our economy will become greater and more efficient.

With all of these improvements about to happen because of AI, it’s hard to focus on where and how to invest. A colleague of mine, Charles Mizrahi, noticed how Google, Facebook, and Apple are quietly pouring billions into a market that’s expected to be worth $7 trillion in the next 10 years.

Charles has been ranked Barron’s #1 money manager, and he believes we’re at a tipping point…

An Important Message from Charles Mizrahi…

When Charles found out about the latest powerful new therapy for cancer, he jumped on a plane and flew to Dr. Zelig Eshhar, the professor who invented this groundbreaking new therapy.

During that trip, Charles did what he does best: he went to the source and picked the professor’s brain. You better believe that Charles asked all the important questions about the new therapy, including how it’ll affect the future of cancer therapies and how this new therapy could be an investment opportunity for his readers.

This is just one example of how Charles devotes his time and effort to revealing companies worthy of the investment. He’s not focused on taking advantage of industries that are riddled with hype. Instead, he identifies industries and companies that will have a huge impact on our lives not just now but also in the future.

Charles has high-level contacts in every single industry! He’s the ultimate insider. He has connections with some of the world’s heavyweight investors and billionaire asset managers. His contact list will leave you in awe.

He isn’t your average “analyst” on Wall Street. His network of CEOs, scientists, doctors, and world leaders gives him the insight no other analyst has. If you haven’t already, you’re going to want to start paying attention to what Charles has to say.

He’s about to reveal what he recently learned from a scientist and how that information could help you generate $100,000 profits over the next 12 months.

Charles will be revealing this information in an exclusive online event. I know what you’re thinking… How much do I have to pay for this event?

Well, you don’t! The event is completely free.

The event will be happening this month on Thursday, September 27th at 7:00 p.m. (ET). Mark your calendars and set a reminder because you won’t want to miss out on the $7 trillion secret Charles is going to reveal.

You’ll be receiving more information on how to sign up for this event later this week, so keep an eye on your inbox.

You won’t want to miss out on what Charles has to say on Thursday, September 27th!

Until next time,

Monica Savaglia Signature Park Avenue Digest

Monica Savaglia

Monica Savaglia is Wealth Daily’s IPO specialist. With passion and knowledge, she wants to open up the world of IPOs and their long-term potential to everyday investors. She does this through her newsletter IPO Authority, a one-stop resource for everything IPO. She also contributes regularly to the Wealth Daily e-letter. To learn more about Monica, click here.

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